Truck Driver Strike- Hit and Run Law Protest

By Somya Saho 3 Min Read

Truck Driver Strike- Hit and Run Law Protest

As per the recent legislation, individuals involved in hit-and-run incidents will now face a sentence of 10 years in prison along with a Rs 7 lakh fine, as conveyed by a participant in the protest.

Amrit Lal Madan, the esteemed president of the truckers’ association, recently conveyed a significant development in the ongoing dialogue between the truckers’ body and the Union Home Minister, Amit Shah. In response to the vehement concerns raised by the truck drivers, particularly regarding the contentious new hit-and-run law that served as the catalyst for their widespread strike, Minister Shah has expressed a willingness to temporarily suspend the implementation of the said legislation.

This pivotal decision to put the law on hold marks a crucial moment in the negotiations, demonstrating a proactive approach by the government to address the grievances of the trucking community.

The truckers’ strike

Prompted by their vehement opposition to the new hit-and-run law, had brought the nation’s transportation and logistics sector to a standstill. Amrit Lal Madan’s announcement regarding Minister Shah’s agreement to halt the enforcement of the legislation is expected to alleviate tensions within the trucking industry.

The decision reflects a willingness on the part of the government to engage in a constructive dialogue with stakeholders and underscores the importance of addressing the legitimate concerns raised by the truck drivers.


While this development offers a temporary reprieve for the truckers, it also highlights the necessity for a comprehensive and inclusive review of the hit-and-run law. The decision to put the legislation on hold provides a window of opportunity for all concerned parties to engage in a more thorough discussion, considering the perspectives of both the trucking community and regulatory authorities.

This collaborative approach is crucial to ensuring that any future legislation strikes a balance between road safety measures and the practical challenges faced by truck drivers in their day-to-day operations. As negotiations progress, the hope is that a mutually agreeable solution will be reached, fostering a more harmonious and sustainable environment for the trucking industry in the long run.

The Union Home Secretary said that the new law on hit-and-run has not yet come into force and the decision on implementing it will be taken only after consultation with the All India Motor Transport Congress.

The strike called by the Truck Drivers Association has been called off after a meeting between the association representatives and Union Home Ministry officials in New Delhi.

The new rule on negligent driving has not been applied yet, the government said after meeting with members of the All India Motor Transport Congress, which has been leading the agitation.

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